Monday, October 1, 2007

Team Profile 2 : Taipei Baboons

The Taipei Baboons are a eclectic group of backpackers and businessmen. The number of members swells and deflates annually and the parade of flags and rugby lore is colourful to say the least. As hard as it is to manage a team as fluid as the Baboons, it is even harder for the competition to predict what kind of team will show up. One week it’s a back line of ex-high school gridiron playing Texans and the next week its former Australia NRL prodigies. It all works to solidify our club as truly international and formidable. We proudly wear Guinness on our chests and have conditioned ourselves to enjoying the sweetest of Irish libations in the sweltering Taiwanese heat. We call the Brass Monkey home, our member owned pub that proudly displays the teams history in pictures, brushes with greatness and relationships with the most recognized and motley of rugby crews in south east Asia. A few months ago, a still-active 65 year old Baboon veteran was introduced to a 22 year old rookie, and the old man explained to the grasshopper what the “Haka” was and why it is a scary, wonderful thing. With major upsets and Simian personality our legacy, any place we go will get to see the “Nicest Rugby Club in Taipei” (an approach to the ever-increasing reluctance of local teams to play us….we yell too much and “What is raking?”). Larger than life ruggers like Japie, Max, Pete C., Doug, Uncle Dirty, Anders, Jack, Trash, Lil’ Justin, Roger,, Ben.hall, and Rory will be pleased to meet you and then …throw faeces (metaphorically speaking).

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