Monday, June 9, 2008

Langkayan Island : Where Paradise is not that Far Away..

Langkayan Island is located in the Sulu Sea north west of Sandakan on the north east coast of Sabah. This small paradise island, with stretches of white sandy beaches, swaying casuarina pines and beautiful sunsets is another island with only one dive resort, Lankayan Island Dive Resort. The resort was built in 1997 and since tourists have slowly been discovering the serenity and tranquility of this remote peace of paradise. Lankayan offers a fantastic variety of macro marine life, a muck diving arena that rivals both Mabul and Kapalai Island.

However, with new protection from local fishermen, the larger marine creatures such as leopard sharks, marbled stingray and giant grouper have returned to the surrounding reefs. Schools of humphead parrotfish, yellowtail barracuda and scads also appeat at many dive sites.

Among the 40 dive sites is "Langkayan Wreck", an ocean going fish poaching vessel that demised in the area of its illegal activities. This wreck now hosts many different species of fish from small glassfish, harlequin ghost pipefish, painted frogfish to giant grouper and marbled stingrays.

Many rare subjects can be found on many other sites including seahorses, flying gurnards, flamboyant cuttlefish, Jaw fish, dragonets and sand divers. Having Pulau Selingan, home to Sabah's Turtle Sanctuary nearby, it is not a surprise to also see the occasional hawksbill or green turtle on one of your dives.

Other nearby islands
Berhala Island

Just 15 minutes by boat from Sandakan lies Pulau Berhala. Its most striking feature is the awesome dusky pink range of cliffs that drops perpendicularly into the waters. Blessed with fine white sand and clear waters, the island is set to become a major tourist destination. The rock cliff provides great potential for Eco-challenge climbing events.

Libaran Island

Libaran island is just next to Selingan Island. It is the ideal jump off point to see the turtle at Selingan island. From the island, one can have an excellent view of the sea. Alternatively, snorkelling trips, boat trips to the mangrove forest, jungle trekking at nearby island to see wildlife, village walk and night fishing, can be easily arranged.

For more information

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